Colin Charles Agenda

Red Hat/Fedora SIG meetup

Good meeting – introduction to FC2, and picking the right repositories went well, just a little longer than expected, but that means there was discussion, and thats always a good thing. LILO is gone, and the latest post on fedora-list by davej seems to say there are about 40 kernel patches at most (I said 30, based on older information) – since the patch related question came up.

Russell Coker gave a brief talk about SELinux, how FC2 will have it “just work” and I’d encourage anyone in the Melbourne area to come to the SELinux SIG on the 8th of June, again at Red Hat Melbourne’s offices, as there will be a meeting with the main agenda of installing FC2 in enforcing mode, using it, and chit chat later – start time is after 5.30pm, I’m told.

Mike MacCana went on with QEmu, and this seems to be mighty interesting. He even demo’ed RHEL AS 2.1 running in QEmu, as well as Windows 2000, with full network access and so on. His host system was a RHEL 3 box. It’s not exactly fast, even with half-a-gig-of-RAM, but I’m still tempted to give it a go.

And a warm welcome (and thank you) to Tung U for hosting this months meeting in Richard’s absence.