Colin Charles Agenda

Communications, Ubuntu 6.06 LTS & MySQL downloads

I was just reading a text on effective communications, and there was something interesting I noted. With different values and backgrounds all over the world, a lot of things happen (use of colloquisms, etc.) with regards to people understanding each other. When there’s face-to-face meetings, there’s also non-verbal communication to keep note of.

It turns out in South Africa, they call it Ubuntu (we’re much more familiar with its “humanity for others” meaning by now, for sure). They value collective efforts in solving issues that impact the members of the community. And if you’re ever face-to-face with a South African, limited eye contact often shows respect and humility (this is similar with Japan, its polite). In the Western world though, we need eye-contact for confidence purposes, and to show that we’re sincere.

Its also worthy to note (yes, this post had a point) that on the MySQL 5.0 downloads page, there exists Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) downloads. Its the first time there are DEBs there.

Sure, its best to just sudo pat-get install mysql-server, but that also effectively means MySQL has recognized DEBs, and with Ubuntu at that. Its LTS as well!