Colin Charles Agenda

Video cameras and Linux

Does anyone know how the FUDCon 2006 videos were made? I remember participating in making the FUDCon 1 videos, while talking to thomasvs on IRC to get things working, but my memory now fades me.

Within a minimal budget, what DV video camera can I buy now[1], that records to mini-DV tapes/hard disk/DVD, and can be interfaced to some Linux software to do live streaming or just on-disk recording?

I’m OK with a Firewire interface (4-pin preferred, 6-pin acceptable), USB would be nice too. And the video camera must work on Linux. And it’d be nice if it were kind of portable (they all seem to be these days). A plus point if it software records in open formats like OGG.

Also, if anyone knows, what’s good to edit video? Kino?


[1] – I notice the Linux1394 HCL. Is this current? It’d be excellent if there was a filter for “currently available” cameras.

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