Posted on 24/4/2013, 7:42 am, by Colin Charles, under MariaDB, MySQL.
Continuing on from yesterday, the biggest news that I’ve noted in the past 24 hours:
The commitment from Oracle’s MySQL team to release a new GA about once every 24 months, with a Developer Milestone Release (DMR), with “GA quality” every 4-6 months. Tomas Ulin announced MySQL 5.7 DMR1 (milestone 11) [download, release notes, manual]. He also announced MySQL Cluster 7.3 DMR2 [download, article]. Needless to say, 5.7’s code isn’t pushed yet to lp:mysql-server/5.7. Of notable mention were the statistics around MySQL 5.6 of worklogs, bugs fixed, etc.
Posted on 17/4/2009, 12:06 am, by Colin Charles, under MySQL.
Today I spoke with Farhan “Frank” Mashraqi, former Fotolog DBA, now working at a startup, NetEdge, working on social analytics. He’s talking about the two sessions he’s giving next week at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2009, as well as the benefits of being at the MySQL Conference & Expo.
He’s giving two talks:
Hadoop and MySQL: Friends with Benefits in where he will tell you about how you can combine data sets and queries, some of which run on Hadoop, and others which run on MySQL, but eventually probably end up in MySQL (he works on this cool stuff at NetEdge, the startup he’s currently attached to).
Advanced memcached use cases in where you get best practice information on leveraging memcache, a software package that all the big boys use.
Frank also says, “If you’re not coming to the MySQL Conference, you’re losing out”. He’s right. You should be there. Look at all the amazing sessions, all the amazing networking opportunities, and more? He clearly specifies that the tutorial selection this year is pretty incredible, so make sure you’re signed up for Monday! Plan your sessions ahead, otherwise you might miss out some of the important things.
The MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 runs from April 20-23, 2009, at the Santa Clara Convention Centre. Don’t hesitate to register as there are plenty of interesting sessions there, next week.
Colin Charles is a businessperson who's big on opensource software. Follow @bytebot on Twitter.
I was previously on the founding team of MariaDB. In previous lives, I worked on MySQL, The Fedora Project, and
This is a personal web log, and the opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my past, present, or future: clients, employers, or associates. Standard disclaimers apply.
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