Busyish week

The last few days were spent hanging out with the girl, doing random last minute things, getting hair cut, flying off to Melbourne, looking at my new room, unpacking, re-arranging, getting reconnected to the Net, and other random boring things. Caught Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason on the plane ride back.

Pegasos PPC
Finally unpacked the Pegasos II PPC box that’s been sitting around for months (while I was away). Its a 1GHz ODW, and I was surprised to find a keyboard and mouse in the packaging. Nice touch.

The hardest part to getting it running might seemed to have been me not reading my e-mail properly. CPU wasn’t plugged in, so I had to open the box. Remember, push outwards, not inwards towards the back :) After plugging it in, there’s various Debian’s (default is a 2.6 kernel), MorphOS, and YDL3. Nice featureset, its a CHRP Pegasos box (from /proc/cpuinfo) with 256MB of RAM, and I hope to start fiddling with getting Fedora on it. FC-4 if we can, though prime importance is getting FC-4/ppc working.

Seems folk hang out at #pegasosppc at your favourite OSS based IRC network…

Other goodness
The RULE Installer for FC-3 is out. Now you can run Fedora Core 3 on machines with 32MB of RAM, with KDrive as an X server (as opposed ot Xorg).

Been noticing that Centos/ppc is up and about. Its ppc64 in general, but they’re going to try get ppc32 patches and make it rock. Probably all thanks to Karanbir Singh, who has an interesting blog to watch. Is there a Planet Centos somewhere out there? #centos-ppc is another fun place to hang out.

Meeting Minutes from Meeting #1 for the Fedora Extras Steering COmittee. Next time, I hope it goes out a few days before the meeting even. And we have some form of way for others to contact fesco folk…
