Bob Sutor speaks in KL

If you’re in Kuala Lumpur and are a little bored this Friday evening, why not pay a visit to the MyOSS Meetup, in where a very special guest, Bob Sutor, will be speaking about ODF, open source, and so forth, with a very interesting topic: The Shift to ‘Open’: Boost or Brakes for Innovation and Business.

There will also be a panel discussion afterwards, to see what the community can do to enhance its presence, livelihood, etc. It remains to be seen who will be on said panel, but it’ll be some of the more vocal folk. So keep 7-10pm free, on Friday night. After which, I’m sure folk will head off to booze, or have food. Either way, hanging out with the more prominent FOSS crowd, is fun.

Kudos to Interunix, for giving away free Ubuntu CDs.

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