Tab Sweep – 5 August 2017
- Amazon Drive no longer offers unlimited storage, with a thread on Hacker News. This affected me, since I run Arq Backup to Amazon Cloud Drive. What you really want to do is to ensure you’re now setting a budget, so that Arq prunes older files. I’m now using less than 1TB of storage, which is ideal.
- Speaking of Arq, Arq 5.8.5 for Mac fixes a bad bug. This is not what you want to see from a backup tool, but I appreciate the honesty. This is also why my cloud backup strategy is not just Arq+Amazon Cloud Drive; it also includes CrashPlan and Backblaze.
- I like to look at my Amazon wish list from time to time and sort by price. This has sadly been discontinued, so you need a little bookmarklet now to assist.
- is going away. Seems they want you to use Goodreads, and there is a new site for your highlights: