Tip blogs

Are there more tip-related blogs like Steve’s Fedora GNU/Linux Blog? Or GNOME Tips ‘n’ Hacks. If you’d comment on this post, I’d love to see more, be it Linux-based, Fedora-based, OpenOffice.org-based, GNOME-based, etc… (you get the picture).


  1. The Matt says:

    Well, it’s not quite what you’re asking about, but one linux blog I like is debaday, the Debian Package a Day’s Journal:


    Even though I’m a FC2 user, I sometimes see something new that can be found eventually through fedora.us or the Big Five. The only better one would be Gentoo as it’s probably the only distro that can top Debian for sheer number of packages.

  2. Ruben says:

    Thank you Mr. The Matt. A very worthy comment indeed

  3. tihopilik says:


    I can’t be bothered with anything these days, but shrug. I just don’t have anything to say recently.

